Everything you need to know about aftercare.

With the right guidance and approach, you can maximize the results of your treatment. Each treatment is different from the next, which is why individualized aftercare is so important. Find your treatment below to access detailed aftercare instructions. For more information, contact Forever Beauty Injectables today!

Wrinkle Reduction and Prevention

Botox and Dysport

    • Bend forward (squat instead)

    • Lay down

    • Shower

    • Work out (no strenuous activity for 24 hours)

    • Wash your face

    • Pull anything over your head (such as a hoodie)

    • Wear a hat or headband around the forehead

    • Apply makeup

    After four hours, you can resume all normal daily activities. You can expect some tenderness at the injection sites. Results may begin to appear after a few days, but the full effect won’t be noticed for about two weeks.

    Be sure to attend your follow-up appointment, especially if you’re happy with the results.

Dermal Fillers

    • No massaging of the injected area(s), especially lips

    • No hard pressure on the injected area(s), especially lips

    • No make up on the injected area(s) for the rest of the day

    • No strenuous activity for 24 hours

    • Avoid alcohol, Advil and blood thinners the night of

    • Avoid smoking

    • Avoid straws after lip injections

    • You can expect tenderness, itching, swelling, and potential bruising to the injected area(s). If you have serious pain, contact the nurse immediately. Swelling can be temporarily asymmetrical and is normal. Be sure to attend your follow-up appointment, especially if you’re happy with the results.


    • You can expect swelling for up to two weeks after your lipolysis procedure. Consider using turtlenecks or scarves to cover up and plan around social events.

    • Do not massage or apply ice to the area

    • Results may take the full six weeks to show.

    • Please be patient and be sure to come to your follow-up appointment

IV Vitamin Therapy

    • Keep the injection site clean for the rest of the day

    • No heavy lifting or exercise on the affected arm for the rest of the day

    • Enjoy your results and return for maintenance infusions as needed!

Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections (PRP)

    • Avoid sun on your face and scalp for 72 hours following treatment

    • Use a clean pillowcase the night after your treatment

    • Avoid blood thinners such as alcohol and NSAIDS the night after your treatment, but you can take Tylenol

    • Avoid smoking

    • Results take two to three weeks to show and most individuals require three to four sessions for optimal, long-lasting results

Sculptra Facial Rejuvenation& Sculptra Non-Surgical BBL

    • Follow the 5-5-5 rule: massage the area five times a day, for five minutes, for five days after treatment

    • Massage is crucial to achieving the best results and must be done post treatment

    • No exercise for 24 hours

    • Treatments should be at least 3 months apart

    • Bruising and swelling is normal after treatment and will resolve as your body heals

    • Results take three to six months to fully show. Please have patience and more than one treatment may be necessary to achieve the final effect.

Microstamping, Golden Tox Facial, Mesotherapy & Exosome Therapy

    • No exercise or physical activity for 24 hours

    • Wash your face at bedtime and apply post-care moisturizer as instructed

    • Use a clean pillowcase

    • Avoid alcohol for 24 hours

    • The Golden Tox Facial may have temporary swelling and bruising due to PRP Injections - feel free to use a cool compress on the affected areas

    • Return for future treatments was recommended

    • Enjoy your new glow!

IPL Lumecca

    • Avoid tanning for six weeks prior to the treatment, including any form of self-tanners.

    • Do not use any retinol products, products containing tretinoin or exfoliants on the area to be treated for one week prior. Avoid Accutane (or isotretinoin products) for six months prior.

    • Let your skin practitioner know if you have a history of hyperpigmentation.

    • Photosensitizing medications including doxycycline and minocycline should be discontinued three days prior to the treatment.

    • Anticipate a social β€œdowntime” of two to three days before any redness, swelling and sloughing of the sunspots has subsided.

    • Avoid retinol and other irritant topical agents (Benzoyl peroxide, AHAs, BHAs) for four days prior to treatment.

    • If applicable, please come clean-shaven in the areas to be treated (this usually means the face and neck).

    • You may have a mild sunburn or burning sensation following the treatment, which usually resolves itself within a few hours. Skin redness is normal and may last a few days.

    • There may be a slight amount of swelling.

    • Crusting or blistering is uncommon and not serious. Pigmented areas may begin to flake after a few days.

    • The use of a cold compress may be helpful for the first 24 hours.

    • Your skin will be fragile for two to three days afterwards. Use gentle cleansers, do not rub the skin, and avoid hot water during this time.

    • Do not use any retinoids, tretinoins, alpha or beta hydroxy products, vitamin C products, scrub, exfoliate, or have chemical peels performed on the treated area for at least one week.

    • Makeup can be applied immediately if the skin is not broken. We recommend mineral based makeup.

    • Avoid the sun and use sunscreen.

    • Avoid excessive heat or friction to the treated area, such as heavy exercise, saunas or spas.

    • Sun spots and age spots will darken with the treatment before they begin to respond and resolve. This is expected and a normal part of the process. Do not pick, scrub or exfoliate these spots. Instead, allow them to shed on their own.

Red Light Therapy

With Red Light Therapy, there is generally no post care required. Please feel free to wash your face, apply makeup and exercise as normal afterwards. 

  • If there is any redness, swelling or skin irritation that lasts longer than 48 hours, please advise your practitioner.

  • Please follow the suggested treatment regime for best results. 


    • Please abstain from exercise and sexual activity for 24 hours post procedure

    • Wear loose fitting clothing around the bottom half of your body for the rest of the day

    • Swelling, tenderness and redness is normal and expected 24 to 72 hours afterwards

    • Shower the night after the procedure (no baths for 24 hours) and keep the area clean

    • Results can take anywhere from two to six weeks to appear

PRP Hair Rejuvenation, Exosome Therapy & Hair Mesotherapy

    • Wash your hair the night or morning after the procedure

    • If you wish to colour your hair, you may do so after three days following the procedure

    • You can feel free to wear a hat after the procedure

    • Limit sun exposure to the scalp as much as possible for two days after the procedure.

    • For one week after treatment, do not use blood thinning agents such as: Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Ginkgo, Garlic, Flax, Cod Liver Oil, or Essential Fatty Acids

    • Avoid smoking and alcohol for 72 hours post procedure

    • Avoid the following medications for three days after the procedure: Aspirin, Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Voltaren and other anti-inflammatory medications

Scar and Stretch Mark Treatment, Cellulite Reduction

    • Keep the area clean and wear loose fitting clothing for the rest of the day

    • Shower the evening after or the morning after - no baths for 24 hours

    • Apply the suggested topical regime recommended for best results

    • No exercise or sweating for 24 hours post procedure

    • Return for treatments on time, as proper timing is necessary for the treatment to be successful

    • Limit sun exposure to the area for 72 hours post procedure

TCA Chemical Peel

    • Restrict all sun exposure to the area treated for one week post procedure and wear sunscreen everyday. Your skin will be extra sensitive to the sun after receiving this treatment.

    • If your skin peels, do not pull, pick or scrape away at the skin. Be patient for it to naturally peel and flake away.

    • Apply the post care regime as instructed for best results.

    • Return for future treatments as recommended for best results.

Hyaluronidase Injections

    • Massage the area as per direction and advice given during appointment

    • Expect to be sore, swollen and bruised. You can apply ice and arnica cream as needed to help speed recovery.

    • Dissolving takes 72 hours for full effect. Please reach out to Alyssa at 72 hours to book a follow up session if necessary.

    • Avoid smoking and alcohol before and after the appointment

    • You cannot refill for at least 14 days after dissolving. Please be patient and book your filler refill accordingly.

    • Do not apply makeup or exercise for 24 hours after injection

    • If you have increased swelling, itching, redness and/or other symptoms of an allergic reaction please reach out to Nurse Alyssa as soon as possible

Kenalog Injection for Acne Cysts and Scars

    • keep the area clean and makeup free for the rest of the day

    • do not pick, pop or scratch the breakout or scar

    • allow enough time (up to 7 days) for the treatment to take effect

    • continue to use your regular skincare regimen, avoiding anything harsh to the treated area(s) for 7 days after injection

Hyperdilute Radiesse for Face and Body

    • No massaging of the injected area(s)

    • No make up on the injected area(s) for the rest of the day

    • No strenuous activity for 24 hours

    • Avoid alcohol, Advil and blood thinners the night of

    • Avoid smoking

    • You can expect tenderness, itching, swelling, and potential bruising to the injected area(s). If you have serious pain, contact the nurse immediately. Swelling can be temporarily asymmetrical and is normal. Be sure to attend your follow-up appointment, especially if you’re happy with the results.